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  1. 미리보기 2014.10.10

    [Note2] WIDzard Kernel since then 1.8 version download

2014. 10. 10. 12:40 - 알 수 없는 사용자

[Note2] WIDzard Kernel since then 1.8 version download

Hello. i'm WIDzard Team take care of ios category  CUTA.

WIDzard Kernel for many Note2 user have doubt, WIDzard Kernel since then 1.8 version download where to go?

WIDzard Team make NEW website, this website only Kernel site.

1.8 since then version download is this website.

NEW website : http://WIDzard.pwneo.com

thank you.

'WIDzard Kernel' 카테고리의 다른 글

WIDzard Kernel 2.0 버전을 축하하며..  (4) 2014.10.04